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It is fair to say that I really enjoy blogging! My wife and I have not only managed to turn it into our full time jobs, but also a great creative hobby and outlet. I love having a place to write about gaming AND saving money – some of my favourite things.

When you start a blog, it is really important that your blog looks good. From choosing colours that work really well together to a logo that works well for your brand. Getting a blog logo created can set you back a whopping £120 or more, however there are many ways to create a blog logo that can truly bring out the style and feel of your blog, even injected some of your own personality into the pages without paying that hefty price tag!

There are a multitude of differing sites and resources available to anyone, from those that can be paid for to those that are free. I will be focusing on those that are free to use.

A Thrifty Gamer is my latest blog that was launched. Although I planned a slow launch of the blog with some of my personal interests and ways to save on them and make extra money for them. After all, if I am not found gaming then there isn’t much else I would be doing!

Font Bundles challenged me to have a play around with their alternative to Font Fabric, and I am going to have a go!

Why does your blog need a logo?

You could create the best content, have the best SEOs and all the other critical components of a blog. But without a logo then what do they have to connect with?

A logo is a visual identity, and for a blog then that is something very important.

Usually a person will not fully remember your headlines or even your content. What they most likely will remember is how pieces or the content on a whole made them feel.

That is where a logo comes in, as a visual for your blog they will connect that to your logo.

A logo also makes you stand out from competitors and can make something more identifiable as content from you for them to be interested in.

Using a physical example, I bet you can remember the Adidas logo but cant remember more than a handful of their products that you might have seen or even worn! Even if you like Adidas.

Where you can use your blog logo

It goes without saying that your blog logo can be used in your header, but have you thought about other places you can use your blog’s logo?

You can use it on your social media accounts, either as your avatar/profile picture OR as your header (on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube).

You can also use it on physically printed items, like business cards, brochures, flyers etc.

If you are planning to publish any books, either physically or in ebook format, you can use your blog logo there too.

Another great place to use your blog logo is in opt in freebies.

An opt in freebie is something you have created, like a printable, to give to your readers in exchange for them signing up to your newsletter. It is one of the fastest ways to grow your mailing list for your blog, and having your logo on an opt in freebie helps to promote your blog. Just think about it – if someone prints out your meal planning printable and sticks it on their fridge then every time they go to their fridge they are seeing your logo!

A good logo for your blog is so important!

My current logo

I have to admit that when it comes to creating logos or anything visual for my blogs, I am not the best at it. I don’t have a natural eye for it, and I just throw something together as quickly as I can.

That is why my current logo is this simple logo:

So I guess that it is now time to start and have a play around on their site!

I chose to have a play around with two simple but different font styles.

My reasoning for picking these two styles was actually quite simple. I usually stay up till midnight with games, and my wife likes unicorns! Though she doesn’t like them as much as kittens, but I saw unicorns first.

After just a little a play using the fonts both in the same ways, has opened up completely different results. With more time customizing and playing with font styles, designs, colours, shapes and such then anyone can come out with their perfect logo.

Get Fonts for free

What I really like about the Font Bundles website is that they have a lot of fonts for free. That makes designing a new logo so much easier!

Of course, if you do want another custom font you can download them from the website, with cheap pricing structures in place.

I loved playing around with my logo and seeing what else I can create with very little experience!

If your blog needs a new logo then be sure to check Font Bundles out!

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